target: n.靶子,标的;目标;(嘲笑等的)对象;笑柄 (for); (储蓄,贸易等的)定额,指标;小羊的颈胸肉;【物理学】(X射线管中的)对阴极;【测】标杆,标板;【铁路】圆板信号机;〔古语〕小圆盾。 a target area 轰炸目标地区。 a target ship 靶舰。 a target buster 〔美俚〕打飞靶的人。 target practice 打靶,射击演习。
Psr is a radio detection equipment that provides information on range and bearing of aircraft in the form of a target blip on the radar screen to air traffic controllers by transmitting radar pulses and detecting the reflected signals from the aircraft . no active transponder or avionics on board aircraft has to be relied on 监察雷达发出雷达脉冲,侦测从飞机反射回来的信号,便可计算飞机的距离及方位,并以目标点在雷达屏向航空交通管制员显示,而不须依靠航机上的应答机或其他航空器材。